Nepal is 2nd richest country for water resources in the world. Thousands of rivers originating from Himalaya are the fresh water sources. Besides them there are hundreds of lakes in the country. If you are interested for fishing tour in Nepal, this would be best holiday trip with camping accommodation in remote rivers and enjoying with your fishing patient trip. There are hundreds of wild rivers where you can go for fishing. We provide you all kinds of accommodation, food, fishing equipments and necessary transports. Some rivers and lakes are inside national parks or protected areas where you should get permit for fishing and many rivers are free to do fishing.
Total about 118 spices of fish found in Nepal, among them Neolissocheilus hexagonolepis (Katle), Tor tor (Sahar), T. Putitora (mahasher), Clupisoma garus (jal kapur) and Himalayan Traut are famous fishes in Nepal.